NON_GOVERNMENT / Non-taxable:
Not for State Profit Church
Ministry and the 501c3
IRS Church or Gods Church
What happens when a church submits a form 1023 tax-exempt application?
The 501c3 church's must operate according to government rules...They have to follow the rules. The rules are here in this publication (publication 1828 (Rev. 8-2015) Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations, (
Pg 8, Individual Activity by Religious Leaders
The political campaign activity prohibition isn’t intended to restrict free expression on political matters by leaders of churches or religious organizations speaking for themselves, as individuals. Nor are leaders prohibited from speaking about important issues of public policy. However, for their organizations to remain tax exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3), religious leaders can’t make partisan comments in official organization publications or at official church functions. To avoid potential attribution of their comments outside of church functions and publications, religious leaders who speak or write in their individual capacity are encouraged to clearly indicate that their comments are personal and not intended to represent the views of the organization.
Many ministers believe they must by law seek IRS exemption from federal taxes...even though in its various publications the IRS disagrees with that unfounded belief. Such ministers believe their legitimacy derives from such government approval...and not from God. However, when you ask them what those numbers and letter mean...they are not so sure.
The 501c3 form 1023 application is an example of the churches crossing boundaries [out of Church in to State] seeking and consenting to the jurisdiction and regulation/rules of the federal government. And, of course, what the government silences under 501c3 is political speech.
Such jurisdiction and regulation are contrary to God's revealed word and God's law.
Churches and religious organizations, like many other charitable organizations, qualify for exemption from federal income tax under IRC Section 501(c)(3) and are generally eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. To qualify for tax-exempt status, the organization must meet the following requirements (covered in greater detail throughout this (publication 1828 (Rev. 8-2015) Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations,
the organization must be organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, scientific or other charitable purposes;
the organization’s purposes and activities may not be illegal or violate fundamental public policy.
net earnings may not inure to the benefit of any private individual or shareholder;
no substantial part of its activity may be attempting to influence legislation;
the organization may not intervene in political campaigns on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office; E.g. : ANY politician, Republican, Democrat or any other party.
Churches and religious organizations may, however, involve themselves in issues of public policy without the activity being considered as lobbying. For example, churches may conduct educational meetings [E.g.: pros and cons of the issue], prepare and distribute educational materials, or otherwise consider public policy issues in an educational manner without jeopardizing their tax-exempt status.
Public Policy Issues ONLY [as long as the organization does not intervene in political campaigns on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office; E.g. : ANY politician, Republican, Democrat or any other party].
It should be clear to anyone that obtaining 501(c)(3) status they are essentially signing away the rights of a church to the IRS bureaucracy. Christians who organize congregations need to weigh the issue of easy tax deductions provided by section 501(c)(3) against the signing away control of their organization to the IRS, instead of leaving it in the capable hands of Jesus Christ
By the way of IRS has said that ALL Churches fall under 508(c)(1)(A)
The True Separation of Church and state.